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Image by Jess Bailey
Open Book

About Me

I am grateful to be living a life I love and on a mission to help as many as I can do the same.  I am a married, mom of two boys, one girl, one dog, three cats, and two lizards.  Thankfully, love is infinite, and I have more to give!


I am love - and so are you.  But in this world we use I am for all of our other descriptors and labels, so here are a few of mine.


I am an Angel Reiki Master Practitioner.  I received my certification from Julie Jancius, the Angel Medium.


I am an Akashic Record Reader.


I am a podcast creator and host.  My podcast Wake Up with Susan is my favorite way to give back.


I am a certified death doula though my practice is more of being a medium for those that are uncommunicative or in active dying phase to help them and their loved ones experience this sacred transition together.


I am a writer and use writing as one way to channel through messages for myself and my clients from their spirit team.


I am a real estate investor and love transforming houses from trash to treasure and providing beautiful homes to a foster mom, traveling nurses and families here in the Carolinas.


Reading Glasses on Book

My Beginnings

Even as a young child, creativity was a huge part of my life.  My cousins and I would make up skits to perform for the family. My friends and I would write out manuscripts at school, spending weeks developing the story for us to act out for no audience at all.  My brother and I had alter egos that we turned into when we realized that we had reached the end of my mother's exceptionally long fuse.  Ginger and Alan would spring into action as the angelic children that she needed then and let us off the hook for how naughty we had been. 


I didn't realize when I was growing up what an empath or a highly sensitive person is and certainly did not know how to manage my own energy and not take on everyone else's.  High school was particularly hard.  I struggled with insomnia and clinical depression.  I was hospitalized twice, the second time by choice as I was desperate to be "fixed".   It was during that second stay that I learned the power my mind has in creating my reality.  Feeling Good, the New Mood Therapy Book by Dr. David Burns quite literally changed my life.  Learning about cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) has been my secret weapon in learning to reframe thoughts and allow a bad moment or a bad day to just be that and not snowball into more.  


I registered to go to fashion design school in Atlanta after completing high school a semester early, but when my mother was given months to live following a melanoma diagnosis, things changed.  My mother passing rocked my world and shifted the whole course of my life.  I ended up at UNCC a month after she died trying to figure things out.   I did love my sociology and creative writing classes but 25 years ago writing jobs seemed scarce and I was lost.


I took a few years to allow my grief and new freedom to influence some decisions that we will call "learning opportunities" and eventually ended up dropping out of UNCC and heading to ECPI to study IT.  Because I loved technology?  No.  But there seemed to be a million job opportunities. I was searching for stability that I felt like I lost.  I got hitched (and three years later divorced) and I took the job from my first (and only) interview when I finished school at ECPI and stayed there for 20 years. 


For the child that was the rebel of the family, I sure played it safe.  

Image by Nick Morrison

My Story

I did work in a variety of roles within the technology arm for a major corporation for 20 years, 15 of them working from home.  The work was not fulfilling but I performed well and had the freedom to play tennis and go to the gym.  I got to have a wonderful family focused life.  I saw my kids off in the morning and was home when they returned in the afternoon.  Doctor's appointments and school events were never a problem, so I am forever grateful for what that company provided my family.  Balance.


In 2020, I started researching real estate investing and as I do with everything, jumped in with full force. I I studied and immersed myself learning everything I could and by the end of the year had purchased and renovated 3 houses and a duplex and had 2 more on deck.


In 2022 I retired from my "real" job to work for myself exclusively.   I continue to invest in real estate but I know that push was to get me where I am now;  having the time freedom to pour myself into spiritual development, writing, energy work, and helping others.

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What Lies Ahead

I am working as an Intuitive Healer which is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. I am also working on several children's books and am enjoying writing the blog for this site as well.  I continue to add to my real estate portfolio as the rollercoaster real estate market and interest rates allow.


I am a student for life and am trusting where spirit guides me.  I have stopped trying to see the whole picture and just listen for the guidance of where my soul wants to learn, grow and serve.  I will never have God's vantage point from my driver's seat, so I surrender and focus on the road ahead and enjoying the journey.


For now, I am called to be brave and authentic and choose to honor the gift of freedom that I have been given to share my light.

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Available NoW

I am Love - My First Book of Affirmations is now available on Amazon!  Purchase Your Copy!

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